Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Should I say that I am sorry for asking people to look for my blog, to be sorry that people in the world can read that since I've lost you I am not the same anymore, that I did so many things alone and far away from home and still doing the best I can to care for you even tough we aren't together, and your parents must have done something very good to have you, because you are very special
But is it bad that the world can read that you were and still are so, so special in my life and what you meant and still mean for me so that they can believe that there is love for them too and that they can find a person too that loves them very much and that makes them feel happy and in love all the time, something that makes them believe that modern fairytales still exist even tough our ended a little sooner than we expected

Should I be sorry for asking people to ask friends about this blog and my flagcounter? so what that I have a flagcounter? you don't like it that other people can read that it doesn't take 2 extraordinary people to live a fairytale together? or do you think that when I ask people to read it that the blog is suddenly less about you and me? but I am sorry if you don't like it.

I like the counter, that I can see people from all over the world to read that it doesn't matter where they live, how they look or whatever else for that matter, everybody can find happiness when you keep searching on places you wouldn't expect.

And another thing, why would I be more mad or sad with what you've written the other day, why wouldn't I suddenly not like to be in your arms while I wrote it myself and why can't I wonder why you gave your answer because I didn't expect it, because if I could and I still mean it today I WISH, WANT, NEED and DESIRE you in my arms all day and all night, sleep with you, make love with you, kiss you, take you to a restaurant and go to the beach with you but I can't do it, alright!?

Maybe I did something wrong in your eyes today to make you write what you wrote and it made me sad so I listened a song today and It really makes me feel like I feel, it is called ''I Am Not Perfect'' and sorry I am not, I tried the best I could but I am not and I don't know if I should be perfect but I feel like I have to be, and after what you've written today I am certain about my case, I haven't told it to you and I am glad I didn't because now I won't hesitate no more about my cause
My cause is better for you..

So if you give up I guess I have to do the same, Goodbye.


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