Thursday, August 18, 2011

I always Miss you


  1. Deadlines, husbands, bosses, 10 to 14 hour days, needs un-met...It's been almost 6 years. I miss you everyday. I hope in some way, you've missed me too. I just heard you're gone. Back to your hometown...a thousand miles away. No more dreams of looking up and seeing you standing there in front of me. Flashing me that wonderful smile. I have always loved you. You were my soulmate. I know that you felt the same way. I could see it in your eyes when you looked at me and by that life changing smile you gave me. All of my troubles would just melt into the earth when I saw you every morning. By the way, I DO believe in love at "first sight". But I had to push you away. You had him then though not anymore and it wasn't right. But in doing the right thing, I feel like I lost a part of me that I will never get back. It is with you forever. I loved ever minute I had next to you. So now I have her. And she deserves my all...whats left of me. It's time to let go...I've tried this before. One time I will succeed. Maybe this time. Bye Bye Sarah.

